Saturday, September 21, 2013

Religion Simplified

As much as Religion is illogical to many, let’s look at some historical details to disapprove thesis of God’s nonexistence. This will be mainly directed to Christians or those open to Christianity. Only undisputable facts will be brought forward.
Was Jesus a historical figure from 2000 years ago? Yes, many writings and artifacts support his existence.  Was Jesus born as a regular human? Yes. Was he performing miracles in his times? Acts not explained even by today’s science? Yes, they are many independent sources stating such acts (let’s remember Bible is not one document but rather many documents from different sources put together and called Bible). Let’s also remember of many other resources proving above statement. Was Jesus killed? Yes, overwhelming yes. Again many sources prove that. And now question arises: with the power of miracles that he was capable of, could he avoid being killed? Logical answer is Yes! The question arises: Why did he allow get himself killed? If he was a logical person, compatible in his mind to us humans, but with all that extra powers, he would easily avoid death.
Let’s look at the options here:
1.       Jesus was a regular person that managed to control power of miracles that science does not understand and let himself to be killed for no reason.
2.       Jesus was a regular person that managed to control power of miracles that science does not understand and let himself to be killed for reasons unknown to our worldly existence.
And the correct answer is… hmm…
With the statue that Jesus possessed 2000 years ago in the land of Judea, was his death accidental or premeditated?... Surely he did not die in car accident. Let’s attempt to analyze potential Jesus Adversary in the rhyme his teachings (that is what get him killed – his teachings). Jesus offers one solution for men, while his Adversary opposes it. Let’s not forget that Jesus teachings brought about power of major religion - Christianity. Logically, Adversary to gain control over the people, has two options: one is to pretend that Jesus is irrelevant, second is to become Jesus. There is also a third option where Adversary can revile the agenda and see if people would like it. My guess is that in spite of all the technological life style of today, ultimately we would reject it, so the third option remains hidden. Realistically we are left with second option, where Adversary will try to pretend that he is Jesus. And here we are getting into the last chapter of the Bible: Revelations… Now considering that we are Christians and we see Bible as a prophetic document, let’s go back to the earlier question, “why Jesus let himself get killed?” what is the reason? Here are some of the possibilities:
Resurrection is achievable for humans
Christ had to die for our sins, as a part of some unknown to us mechanism of how God’s Universe operates
Jesus death as a future (about now) proof of what happened 2000 years ago

Love principle versus fear principle at work

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