Sunday, March 31, 2013

Robber Barons left with their toys to a bigger Sand Box

I watched recent S&A (investment firm) video about the perceived sources of the economical problems in America. The blame is basically placed back and forth on the greed and entailments of the upper and lower class including middle class – that’s where mainly the focus is - all comes down to the deterioration of the ethics. I agree with that statement wholeheartedly – it is a disease, but now how do you treat it? There is no effort in that direction coming from S&A, the message is “You can’t fix it, so ride it. Here are the investment ideas” – they (S&A), being an investment firm are after all part of the problem, no blame there. We are reminded that citizen’s self-reliance in the ethical manner rather than governmental help kept America going in previous century. So yes, there is actually veiled solution – get rid of the entitlements – Social Security should be a think of the past. They seem to be however forgetting that Social Security is not governmental benefit, it is earned! But if it would disappear along with other Social Programs, it would give the boost to the economy and the Wall Street would continue its “winning” streak… until next collapse… we should start seeing the pattern here.

OK, enough of the rumbling…

We agree that the problem is in the deterioration of the ethics. Is it only recent? The answer is No, Robber Barons where the first champions. They build America on the backs of the rest of Americans, not allowing them to exercise their right to be unethical in the ever growing push to collect more and more capital. But there were enough breadcrumbs for everybody after all. What is different today? We still have Robber Barons, but the difference is that they build their capital on the backs of the rest of the World, leaving Americans behind – remember self-reliance – was it always so? How about calling Rubber Baron’s breadcrumbs entitlements? So let’s look again, was American economical success based on self-reliance and ethics? I think it is safe to say that unregulated actions of the few reach men concentrated in one country build their capital pulling along the rest of the country, now-a- days the same few reach people are building their capital but the difference is that it is done globally – other people are getting breadcrumbs. With the new technological tools and in the new geo-political environment in virtually one common economy, the engine running the System does not have to be concentrated in one country.

Robber Barons moved to a bigger Sand Box

Word “Ethics” was mentioned many times. Looks like we are on the right track to fix the problem (not only economical…). But what is ethic? Is it ethical to have continuously investment gains that are a lot bigger than actual economical growth? (This can be maximum of 3%). I think we should go back to the spiritual understanding what is ethical rather than try to quantify it. Large forum honest discussion that would include all aspects of life should be conducted and always continued, as the forefront in the Medias – this should replace Reality Shows.  I believe we rely on other people definitions rather than through personal understanding of what ethics is – we make it easy on ourselves. It is time to get off our butts and start talking about things other than football. 

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