Monday, October 22, 2012

It is Official – Science Has Expired!

Let’s look at the Science of the last 2000 years and compare it to the last 200 years.
If we plot scientific discoveries against the time (AD), the progress will be more or less linear over the past 17, 18 centuries.... up until about the beginning of the Industrial Era. Here progress of scientific discoveries took off exponentially over the time… up until about 60, 70 years ago. From that point on – there is nothing but stagnation – very little progress, no meaningful scientific discoveries. But… but what about all of this technology, one might say… iPods, big screen TV, Internet…? O really! If you looked at the science of these technologies, virtually all is standard physics from more than 60 years ago. Is New Science dead?
They are few possibilities: 1. Science has ended and we know all there is to know, 2. we wondered into the wrong branch of the Science Tree and need to back up, 3. scientific discoveries are covered up.
Now in the age of information, with a little digging (do not use official media), it is easy to find credible sources (ex government officials, scientists…) to prove that the point 3 is true. Real Science is not allowed and showed as ridiculed. There is a saying if you are one step ahead, you are a genius, if you are two steps ahead, you are a crock-pot. With the reported (unofficially) immense progression of the Real Science, relative to the text book science, it is easy to be a crock-pot – Tesla is the best example of that. Unfortunately society is undereducated and easily accepts “official” version of reality – talking points of governmental or corporation PR are considered in today’s world, knowledge. The values are being conveyed to the society by Reality TV, I say more, elections are nothing more than expensive reality show.
Very sad… In this environment I do not know what will awake society that is just happy enough with the new i-phone and not caring that just bit more interest in the surrounding world may land them Freedom (real one) right in their lap.

How to Control Population - For Dummies

1.   First make sure that you are a powerful and influential entity (such as lobby group, corporation, wealthy person…) working within the Population.
2.   Make sure that Your Group has well defined Idea that need to be executed. If Idea will likely get support of the Population, go to step 11. If no support of the Population will likely be achieved, go to next step.
3.   Identify all other affluent and resourceful groups, similar like yours that work in your environment.
4.   Make a list of all society (Population) divisible ideas – this can be subject of religion, gays, guns, war, racism, nationalism… list is very, very long.
5.   Make matrix to cross-reference Affluent Groups and their stand in relation to Divisible Ideas.
6.   Select Divisible Ideas that no Affluent Group is running against.
7.   Select Divisible Idea that your group feels comfortable to work with.
8.   Study the Population in detail to learn who is in minority in regards of selected Divisible Idea and what are minority’s strengths and weaknesses.
9. Using power of Your Group, make minority stronger… enough to achieve about fifty/fifty executive power between minority and majority.
10. Move aside and wait to see the fight develop in the Population over the Divisible Idea.
11. Start executing Your Group Idea.
12. If Your Group Idea was detected by the Population, as threatening, go to step 6 to select another Divisible Idea.
13. Repeat until Population will be saturated enough with Divisible Ideas, not to pay attention to Your Group Idea being conducted.
It is important to select Divisible Ideas that do not offend other Affluent Groups, as we do not want to develop fight over ideas in the Media between the Affluent Groups, making them non transparent anymore. Media should be engaged with the problems of the Population, creating fake feeling of Population empowerment through Media.
All Affluent Groups should use above algorithm. Disagreements between the Group Ideas should be discussed and agreed on off line with no involvement of the Population. Since number of the Affluent Groups is small, this is possible.
General Comment:
Correct selection of Divisible Ideas and related Affluent Groups will make operation possible in easily controlled orthogonal space (see matrix – step 5). Similar effort should be made for relations between Affluent Groups and their Group Ideas - other words, fear principle is used to work with the Population, promoting competition and love principle is used in cooperation between the Affluent Groups.